Gill Furniss MP
We are living in a climate crisis and if we do not take very quick actions to cut emissions, we will face catastrophe. A warmer climate will also bring huge increases in flooding. With low-lying areas already at severe flood risk this is a massive threat to people living in Brightside and Hillsborough. COP26 may not have been ambitious enough but achieving ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2050 will require huge changes, including eliminating the use of oil, gas and coal in transport, our homes and industry.
Many of the changes we must make will be costly, for lots of people in our community who already struggle to make ends meet this will prove difficult to afford without greater support. I am passionate that our transition to net zero, whilst essential, must also be fair. A fair transition is one where those who need the most help, get the most help. We cannot allow more people to fall into poverty because of the needed changes and we cannot let those who cannot afford the changes to be hit with higher bills.
This survey is designed to build a picture of what the biggest barriers are to a transition across our communities. It can be completely anonymous (you can leave your email if you’d like to be involved in further conversations about this) so please tell me exactly what you think.